
When I have something to say then this is where you’ll find it. Click in to each post to read my words.

The Cyclist: Tactics speeds on to Steam

The latest game I’ve worked on, the second from Camshaft Software, is now officially launched on Steam!

The Cyclist: Tactics is a turn-based pro-cycling tactics and strategy game, putting you in control of not only your own rider but also managing your team through single races and entire tours.

As the team at Camshaft Software put it: tactically-minded cycling enthusiasts, as well as anyone who fancies nuanced tactics, progression, and decision making, will find something to like in The Cyclist: Tactics.

For the music in the game we decided on implementing an adaptive system that blended three separate layers of music to match the intensity and stage of each part of the game.

I’m super happy with how this has turned out, from relaxed low intensity through to full on driving rock, each layer interplays perfectly.

Creating the OST for the game was then a further challenge, deciding which parts of the 5 x 10 minute in-game tracks to pull out and build dedicated songs from.

I’m immensely proud of the songs that now make up the OST, which you can find across all major platforms as well as in Steam as DLC for the game.



Apple Music

Amazon Music

Michael TrottComment
WOW! An award you say?

When I post I like to post everything on the same day....I should look into fixing that!

So on the 14th June the excellent Freeplay Festival culminated with their annual awards ceremony. Needless to say it was a digital only affair.

Myself and the whole Mana Tea crew were watching with a keen eye as Unfamiliar was nominated for two awards: Excellence in Art and Excellence in Audio. Exciting times!

Well...we only went and picked up the award for Excellence in Audio!

I'm supremely proud and happy to have my work recognised in such an amazing way, it's a true honour. Unfamiliar was such a fun project to work on and I like to think that enjoyment carried over to the music.

Thanks to everyone involved in the Freeplay Festival for this Award, it means an awful lot to me and has certainly put a spring in my step!

If you haven’t yet listened to it, you can find the Unfamiliar OST here.

Michael TrottComment

Well, this is a lot later than I planned (and my word but how things have changed in the world now) but I've finally collated all the data and made my donation payments to the various organisations I previously outlined earlier this year.

In total $1,198.66 was sent to the four organisations listed as follows:

WIRES (NSW Wildlife Information, Rescue and Education Service) - $208.50
Wildlife Victoria - $390.83
NSW Rural Fire Service - $208.50
Victorian Country Fire Authority - $390.83

These splits are aligned to the two sountracks detailed in my original post, and additionally Mana Tea Games also elected to donate proceeds from sales of Unfamiliar during the same time period so that has been added to the tally.

I've also added the donation receipts and sales details to this post (note that Steam sales are in USD so that the AUD received has been donated).

A huge thanks to everyone that purchased one of my soundtracks or Unfamiliar. Not only do I hope you enjoy listening to the music and playing the game but I appreciate the help we can provide to these organisations and the work that they do.

Thank you!

Michael TrottComment
What can I do?

I’ve lived in Australia for 15 years now.
It is a truly beautiful country. A country of stunning beaches, sprawling desert, ancient forests and stark mountains.
A sunburnt country.

It is also home to a diverse range of unique wildlife, adored around the world as characteristically Australian.

I quickly learned that living in Australia meant each summer would bring with it the threat and fear of bush fires - of homes lost, wildlife lost and, tragically, lives lost.
I was here in 2009 when the Black Saturday fires tore through the State of Victoria. It felt like nothing I had experienced, seen from afar through a TV screen but terrifying nonetheless.

I don’t live in the regional areas of Australia, I live in Melbourne. My house isn’t in danger during the fire season, nor is my personal safety.

This summer the bush fires have come early, with a fury and a hunger that can scarcely be believed.
If you own a television, a smartphone or computer then you have undoubtedly seen the horror unfolding.

You probably also know that the bushfire season is just starting.

Today I learned that a billion animals are estimated to have died because of these fires. A billion.
8.4 million hectares of land have been burned. Twenty five people have died. Nearly two thousand homes have been destroyed. So far.

The bushfire season is just starting.

My house isn’t in danger. My life isn’t in danger.

But I’ve watched, like many others here and across the globe, as the tragedy has grown, developed and rapidly increased in scale.
Apocalyptic images are now common, scenes that none of us would want anybody to endure, much less experience ourselves.

There is an anxiety that comes from the feeling of helplessness in this situation.
What can I do while the country burns? I’m not a firefighter, I don’t have any skills that can help the people on the frontline, or those in communities now ravaged.

But I can give. I can give money. I can help those organisations that care for injured animals. I can help those organisations that help re-establish native wildlife populations.
I can help fund the bravest of Australians who willingly go to face down and fight a threat so ferocious and terrifying. Perhaps I’ll help fund them to have the necessary equipment to do this job…

My house isn't in danger but my home, Australia, is. Now and forever more it seems.

Last year I produced music for a game titled Unfamiliar.
The game launched late in 2019 with the soundtrack planned to be released early 2020. Well here we are.

Until the end of February 2020 all proceeds from sales of the soundtrack will be donated 50/50 to two organisations:

WIRES (NSW Wildlife Information, Rescue and Education Service)
NSW Rural Fire Service

The Unfamiliar soundtrack can be purchased from two places:

Steam - (note that you can only buy the OST on Steam if you already own the game Unfamiliar). At this point the soundtrack is still going through approval processes for launch on Steam. I will update this post with the link as soon as it’s available.

Mana Tea Games, the developer of Unfamiliar are also donating all sale proceeds of the game until the end of February to the two organisations mentioned above. You can find the game here.

Additionally I will be donating all proceeds from sales of the previously released OST for Automation - The Car Company Tycoon Game from now until the end of February 2020 to the following organisations, again split 50/50:

Wildlife Victoria
Victorian Country Fire Authority

The Automation OST can be found at the following places:

Steam - again note that you need to own the game to purchase the OST as additional content.

At the beginning of March 2020 I'll post details of revenue for both soundtracks from now until the end of February 2020, accompanied by donation receipts to the four organisations.

I sincerely hope you enjoy the music, and more importantly I hope you can help.

Michael TrottComment